Many academics and scholars particularly from Pakistan like Professor Ishtiaq Ahmed, Professor Emeritus, of Political Science at the Stockholm University in Sweden, who are well-wishers of India and the Sub-continent of India as a whole espouse and propose that converting the Line of Control inside Kashmir as the de jure International Border of India with Pakistan would be appropriate for the establishment of peace between India and Pakistan. This is clearly not going to happen! Kashmir is not like Junagadh, the erstwhile princely state. If the Line of Control is converted as the International Boundary, it would have profound extraneous far-reaching ramification and repercussions in the long run. It would play into the hands of the sly, cunning and greedy Chinese regime who have entered
It would have been different if the Government of Pakistan had since 1954 consistently and vociferously taken a principled stance and condemned and repudiated the illegal so-called boundary line unilaterally and arbitrarily published by Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru out of the blue in 1954 in accordance with his perverted whims and fancies and in collusion with the Chinese Regime as the alleged so-called International Boundary of India with the occupied sovereign state of East Turkistan as ab initio illegal and null and void as it infringed on the sacrosanct territorial integrity of the erstwhile Princely state of Kashmir and had denounced and repudiated the publication of the per se ab initio illegal act of Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru and had reiterated that the northern International Boundary of Kashmir
was on the Taghdumbash Pamir and Mariom Pamir and on the Kukalang, Kilian, Yangi, Sanju-la and Hindu-tash Passes in northern Kashmir and that Pakistan summarily and in to to rejected the line arbitrarily published by Jawaharlal Nehru in collusion with the Chinese and in accordance with his whims and fancies surrendering vast areas of the Cis Kuen Lun Tract in Kashmir to the Chinese in a platter in blatant collusion with the regime in China to the detriment of the Sub-continent of India and that Pakistan was not bound by the arbitrary and per se ab initio illegal treacherous act of Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru in 1954 and that Pakistan recognized the Kuen Lun Range wherein are the Taghdumbash Pamir and Mariom Pamir and the Kukalang, Kilian, Yangi, Sanju-la and Hindu-tash Passes in northern Kashmir as an integral and inalienable part of Kashmir.
Pakistan is an ad hoc temporary "fake" entity. Pakistan is a spoil sport and by design meant to stand in the way of India's progress. It has by design and default no other purpose or role whatsoever envisaged to play. Pakistanis are just pawns and are inadvertently playing into the game plan of these imperialistic powers. Eventually there is going to be a renaissance in Pakistan and the people of Pakistan are going to recognise their Indic Indian ancestry and their indigenous Indo- Aryan Indic heritage and ethos. Pakistan is a sleeping giant which when aroused from slumber will eventually take over the reins of a re-unified India or South Asia! It is something inevitable and just waiting to happen! We have to prevent the Balkanisation of Pakistan and safeguard Pakistan's sacred territorial integrity and the creation of any new bogus and spurious new so-called sovereign states particularly in the western province of Baluchistan in Pakistan, particularly after East Pakistan. Already, there is a covert game-plan by powers hostile and inimical to India and her eventual rise to become a super power at a time when India is spiraling towards re-unification, to create a spurious and bogus so-called sovereign state of Baluchistan which shall not be permitted, not withstanding all the endeavour of persons with ulterior motives and diabolical vested interests of the likes of one notorious Mr.Tarek Fatah whose pet theme is the so-called independence for the western province of Baluchistan is per se in collusion with powers which are inimical to India becoming a reunified powerful nation. Inevitably, in the long run there will be widespread unrest and a revolution in Pakistan and the proud people of Pakistan would recognise their own indigenous Indic Indo-Aryan identity and ethos and rise up and denounce and repudiate the two nation theory and the partition of their motherland and call for the re-unification of India. It is not about Pakistan! Pakistan is a spoilsport created and designed as a game plan to come in the way of India when it comes to the legitimate rights of India in world affairs. Look how Pakistan is standing in the way of India's absolute and unconditional rightful right to be a part of the permanent 5 of the United Nations Organisation with full power of Veto! Pakistan has no other role to play other than subverting and standing in the way of India’s progress in collusion with India's adversaries particularly the regime in China. That is why right from its inception and creation, Pakistan has been opposing India because Pakistan was created for the very said reason and has no other meaningful role designed to play. Pakistan opposed the integration of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Lakshadweep Islands to the rest of the Republic of India during the transfer of power in 1947. Pakistan claims the Kohinoor Diamond just in order to prevent the return of the Kohinoor back to India though Pakistan has no claim over the Kohinoor and know that the English Government is not going to take its claim seriously. The crux of the issue is that in order for Pakistan to survive, it needs to have hostility with India to whip up passions amongst its population against India in Pakistan and even if the whole of Kashmir had actually acceded to Pakistan, Pakistan due to its very intrinsic and inherent arbitrary artificial unnatural creation would have to discover, invent and create an altogether new artificial reason to create hostility with India and thus survive as a viable state as there was nothing legitimate or credible whatsoever to distinguish the people of Pakistan from the people of India as they predominantly belonged to the very same indigenous Indic Indian Indo- Aryan ethnicity, and are not Arabian, Farsi or Chaghatai Ural-Altaic Turko-Mongol Mughal and spoke the same indigenous Indic Indo Aryan language and had the same indigenous culture! It is not as though the nationality of a people with an ancient lineage and ancestry can be summarily changed overnight in 1947 by third parties without even their informed consent! It would be naïve and tantamount to indulging in wishful thinking to proceed on the basis of the presumption or assumption that the recognition of the Line of control as the alleged International Boundary would bring about peace and tranquility in the Sub-Continent of India! It would not!
1 comment:
Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .
Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region
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