Sunday, October 30, 2022

The purview and ambit of the State of Pakistan

A prominent Pakistani filmmaker, Adeel Afzal, has on a YouTube channel Mosiki bemoaned the fact that India and Pakistan are engaged in an arms race at the cost of the economic conditions of the ordinary people of both the Countries. While the views have been expressed in good faith and with good intentions, Pakistan cannot compare, compete and equate itself with India and try to compete with India in every way possible. For one, at the end of the day after everything is said and done, Pakistan, at best is just a temporary local regional power and entity, whilst India is a global power on par with Russia, United States of America and China and will play a dominant part in the world geopolitics and geo-strategy. Pakistan is no longer a factor in India's development of technology vis-à-vis weapons for offence and defense. Even India's Maurya Empire under Devanampriya Ashoka, the Great, the proponent of peace maintained a huge standing army to protect our sovereignty and territorial integrity. Some Pakistanis think of every research in India pertaining to development of indigenous weapons of offence and defense are meant for use against Pakistan and view everything India does through the prism of threat to Pakistan. India's Intercontinental Range ballistic missile, Agni with a range of 12,000 km for example is meant to traverse Tibet and enter China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Manchuria, Europe or North America! Pakistan is not at all a factor! Pakistan was created by the English as a part of their geostrategic game plan to subvert India's progress to become a global power. It is an ad hoc temporary "fake" entity. Pakistan is a spoil sport and meant to stand in the way of India's progress. It has by design and default no other purpose or role envisaged to play. Pakistanis are pawns and are inadvertently playing into the game plan of these imperialistic powers. Eventually there is going to be a renaissance in Pakistan and the people of Pakistan  are going to recognise their Indian ancestry and their Indo- Aryan Indic heritage and ethos.  Pakistan is a sleeping giant which when aroused from slumber will eventually take over the reins of a re-unified India or South Asia! It is something inevitable and just waiting to happen!  We have to prevent the Balkanisation of Pakistan and the creation of any new bogus and spurious new so-called sovereign states particularly in the western province of Baluchistan in Pakistan, particularly after East Pakistan. Already, there is a covert game-plan by powers hostile and inimical to India and her eventual rise to become a super power at a time when India is spiraling towards re-unification, to create a spurious and bogus so-called sovereign state of Baluchistan which shall not be permitted, not withstanding all the endeavour of persons with ulterior motives and diabolical vested interests of the likes of Mr. Tarek Fatah whose pet theme is the so-called independence for the western province of Baluchistan is per se in collusion with powers which are inimical to India becoming a reunified powerful nation. Inevitably, in the long run there will be a revolution in Pakistan and the proud people of Pakistan would rise up and denounce and repudiate the two nation theory and call for the re-unification of India. It is not about Pakistan! Pakistan is a spoilsport created and designed  as a game plan to come in the way of India when it comes to the legitimate rights of India in world affairs. Look how Pakistan is standing in the way of India's absolute and unconditional right to be a part of the permanent 5 of the United Nations Organisation with full power of Veto! Imagine a re-unified India which has a stupendous population professing Islam, an India which is a permanent member of the Permanent Four of The Security Council of the United Nations Organisation with full Power of Veto, an India which has no Kashmir dispute since the whole of the sub-continent of India or South Asia is politically re-united as one country, the way it ought to have been all along. As I understand, Pakistan was solely  created in 1947 as a part of an international conspiracy to deny India her right, role and privilege as a world superpower and a country the Islamic nations could look up for support in the world International affairs! Insofar as the  missiles which India has herself indigenously designed and developed, it pertains to our geostrategic security threat from distant far away China in East Asia which has militarily Occupied our historical neighbouring countries, inter alia Tibet and East Turkistan, and the Chinese are in occupation of the area adjacent and adjoining the Sanju-la and Hindu-tash Passes in Kashmir including India's beloved Aksai Chin 36°27'44"N 78°45'24"E in Ladakh and the Cis-Kuen Tract in northern Kashmir and Chinese are claiming vast areas of India including the Assam Himalaya. Pakistan has also  illegally given away vast inalienable parts of India in the area of Gilgit, Kanjut and Baltistan in the north western state of Jammu and Kashmir to the sly opportunistic Chinese in 1962 for their purported support. We already suffered in 1962 and India needs to be ready for any misadventure by the Chinese! In any case India's weapons presently are far inferior to Chinese military prowess and India desperately needs to develop her capabilities and be on par with the Chinese to enable India to drive away and throw the Chinese out of Tibet, the next time they try to engage in any misadventure. Pakistan is just a local regional power of no consequence  unlike India which will rise to become an international world power and Pakistan should not and cannot compare itself with India's own security concerns and global aspirations! Pakistan should understand its own inconsequential role and limitations as a temporary ad hoc small local regional entity and cannot aspire to compare its security capabilities with India's own! And ah, the speaker has forgotten to say that the Chinese are wasting their limited resources which can be better utilised for the betterment of their populations! It all has to do with the fact that at the end of the day, Pakistan is a spurious creation. Notwithstanding the best intentions of Jinnah, when he created a state for the first time in the world on the basis of the religious beliefs of Indians, it sent the ball rolling. It was pre-ordained! One thing leads to another. It happens with clockwork precision and cannot be averted or prevented. That is how all the minorities including the Hindus, Bengalis, Baluch, Ahmadi Muslims, Kachchhi, Hazaras came to be discriminated. The chain reaction or domino effect is inevitable and the end result will play itself out eventually to its logical conclusion, not withstanding the sane voices of the minority intellectuals and academics! There is only one way, only one way to stop the domino effect and that is to nip it at the source! So there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region