Monday, June 3, 2019

The agreement entered by Pakistan with the Chinese occupying the Sovereign state of East Turkistan

The Government of Pakistan had published an official map depicting the alignment of the northern Border of Kashmir in 1962 which depicted much of the Cis-Kuen Lun Tract as part of Kashmir and the alignment published by the Government of Pakistan predominantly was similar to and coincided with the portrayal of the northern Border of Kashmir in 1954 by the Times Atlas which had predominantly depicted the Cis-Kuen Lun Tract as a part of Kashmir under the caption "Undefined Frontier area" though at places, the official position of the Government of Pakistan deviated from the position of the Times Atlas, and the Government of Pakistan even depicted areas as part of Kashmir which were to the north of the border of Kashmir as published in 1954 by the Times Atlas  and particularly the border was depicted through the Yashrab Pass and running through U-turn in the Yarkand River, near  Sanglash as it leaves the territory of Kashmir and enters East Turkistan.

The northern border published by the TheTimes
Atlas in 1954 more or less followed the principle of the watershed of the Kuen Lun range on its crests  from the Taghdumbash Pamir and Mariom Pamir to the Yangi Dawan pass north of Kulanaldi but east of the Yangi Dawan Pass, the border arbitrarily and artificially summarily  deviated from the principle of the watershed of the Kuen Lun range on the edge of the highlands of Kashmir and skipped from the Kuen Lun watershed rather than continuing on the Kilian, Sanju-la and Hindutash border passes despite the statement that “The eastern (Kuenlun) range forms the southern boundary of Khotan”, in the 1890 Gazetteer of Kashmir and Ladak and is crossed by two other passes.The Gazetteer of Kashmír and Ladák compiled under the direction of the Quarter Master General in India in the Intelligence Branch and first Published in
1890 gives a description and details of places inside Kashmir and thus includes a description of the Híñdutásh Pass in northeastern Kashmir in the Aksai Chin area in Kashmir. The aforesaid Gazetteer states in pages 520 and 364 that “The eastern (Kuenlun) range forms the southern boundary of Khotan”, “and is crossed by two passes, the Yangi or Elchi Diwan, .... and the Hindutak (i.e. Híñdutásh ) Díwán”. It describes Khotan as “ A province of the Chinese Empire lying to the north of the Eastern Kuenlun range, which here forms the boundary of Ladák[]”. Thus the official position of the Government of Pakistan prior to 1963 was that the
northern border of Pakistan was on the Kuen Lun range and the territory ceded by the Government of Pakistan was not just restricted to the Shaksgam Valley but extended to the Kuen Lun range. For an idea of the extent of the Trans-Karakoram Tract or the Cis-Kuen Lun Tract, a view the map (C) from the Joe Schwartzberg's Historical Atlas of South Asia at DSAL in Chicago with the caption, "The boundary of Kashmir with China as portrayed and proposed by Britain prior to 1947" would show that the geographical and territorial extent of the Trans-Karakoram Tract or the Cis-Kuen Lun Tract is more or less the territory enclosed between the northernmost
line and the innermost lines.  In 1959 the Pakistani
government became concerned over Chinese maps that showed areas the Pakistanis considered their own as part of China. In 1961 Ayub Khan sent a formal note to China; there was no reply. It is thought that the Chinese might not have been motivated to negotiate with Pakistan because of Pakistan's relations with India. The agreement between Pakistan and China of 1963 pertaining to territory in India extending from the Chhogori and the Shaksgam Valley in
central Kashmir to the Dafdar in the Taghdumbash Pamir and Mariom Pamir in Raskam in Kanjut in northern Kashmir and the Kukalang, Yangi, Kilian, Sanju-la and Hindutash Passes in  the Kuen Lun Range in northern Kashmir resulted in the surrendering of predominantly over 13,000 square miles of territory. In the opinion of a certain one Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, "According to the survey of Pakistan maps, even those published in 1962, about 11,000 square miles of Sinkiang territory formed part of Kashmir. If one goes by these maps, Pakistan has obviously surrendered over 13,000 square miles of territory".
The so-called "Sino-Pakistan Agreement" culminates at the Karakoram Pass in central Kashmir. Insofar as the area east of the Karakoram Pass in central Kashmir is concerned, nothing precludes the Government of Pakistan in law from depicting the International Border from the Sanju-La and the Hindutash Passes in Kashmir to the Karanghu-Tagh Peak and the Muztagh Peak and thence to the International Boundary Trijunction at Pulu since the agreement was verily confined and restricted to the area west of the Karakoram Pass. In fact, the Survey of Pakistan published a map portraying the eastern frontiers of Ladakh with the caption "Frontier Undefined" and the colour wash is portrayed as extended till the legend "Frontier Undefined". But more pertinently, the legend "Frontier Undefined" is portrayed as extending till Pal near the Pangong Tsu in western Ladakh and as a matter of fact even portrays area in Ladakh which is outside the notorious Nehru Line of 1954  which is ab initio illegal and null and void and ultra vires the sacrosanct Constitution of India and is non est in law which was stealthily overnight inflicted on the people of India Out of the Blue by deceit and treachery by a certain one Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru in accordance with his perverse whims and fancies who then occupied the chair of the Prime Minister of the Republic of India! Strangely, the map portrays the legends  "Tibet" and "China" ridiculously extending even to the west of the legend "Frontier Undefined" and extending into the area encompassing the colour wash, thus ipso facto depicted as admittedly unequivocally part of Ladakh which is absurd, which only shows how unprofessional these Pakistani Cartographers were and also emphasizes how desperately servile and subservient the Regime in Pakistan was to the Rogue Regime of China! Besides, the legends "Sinkiang" and "China" are portrayed as extending to the areas in Kashmir situate to the north and northeast of the Karakoram Pass in central Kashmir which does not even come within  the the purview and ambit of the so-called "Sino-Pakistani Boundary Agreement" of 1963, and an area over which the Pakistanis do not even have de facto jurisdiction leave alone de jure jurisdiction! Pal is a place to the north of the Pangong Tsu in western Ladakh which is stated as historically part of Ladakh even in the Gazetteer of Kashmír and Ladák published in 1890.

The most ridiculous and absurd part of the so-called "Sino-Pakistan Agreement"  is Article 6 of the agreement which reads as follows:- "The two parties have agreed that after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the Government of the People's Republic of China on the boundary as described in Article Two of the present agreement, so as to sign a formal boundary treaty to replace the present agreement..."! The Agreement actually incredibly mandates and requires the Sovereign Republic of India to reopen the negotiations with the Rogue State of China in consonance with the illegal agreement arrived at by Pakistan and China pertaining to the territory over which neither has any lawful jurisdiction and are veritable busybodies and neither of the states have a locus standi to arrive at an agreement pertaining to an area lawfully an integral part of the territory of India and the Republic of India has already repudiated and denounced the opportunistic so-called "Sino-Pakistan Agreement" of 1962 as ab initio illegal and null and void and not binding on the Republic of India! 


Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region