Apropos the article by Mr. Phunchok Stobdan titled Callous colonialists cost India Aksai Chin, Alas, I have always said that the line published by Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru out of the blue in collusion with the Regime in China in 1954 is ab initio illegal and null and void and ultra vires the Sacrosanct Constitution of India and non est in law, and verily an act of treason for which Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru was not brought to justice, and it is for the meek, spineless Government of India which displays subservience and Servitude to summarily vitiate and rescind the insulting and humiliating line as bogus, spurious and
fraudulent, fictitious and an act of veritable treason in collusion with the Regime in China and restore the de jure international Boundary of India with East Turkistan on the Kuen Lun Range in northern Kashmir on the Taghdumbash Pamir, Mariom Pamir, and the Kukalang, Yangi, Kilian, Sanju-la and Hindu-tash Passes in northern Kashmir, and the same is inevitable and just waiting to happen! Phunchok Stobdan inter alia states that, "...Sumgal — ‘three fords’ in Ladakhi — is another oasis in Karakash between the Hindu-tash mountain and Aksai Chin plains. Formerly known as Kangxiwar, it is the base route from Karakash to Khota...". This statement is per se wrong. The Ladakhi name, Sumgal is the original and historical name of the place and not the so-called Kangxiwar. Besides Sumgal, Palong karpo, Thaldat, Sumdo, Nischu, Pal, Rudok and Sumnal are some original Ladakhi names in Aksai Chin 36°22'44.8"N 78°48'50.6"E in Ladakh.
According to Phunchok Stobdan, ..."Sumgal — ‘three fords’ in Ladakhi — is another oasis in Karakash between the Hindu-tash mountain and Aksai Chin plains. Formerly known as Kangxiwar, it is the base route from Karakash to Khotan. Kyrgyz nomads paid taxes to Yarkand, but they faced periodic raids from the Kanjutis of Hunza, who controlled the Raskam Valley...". The Kanjutis did not control the Raskam, they were indigenios to the Raskam . The Kanjutis were already in effective possession of the Raskam and no question had been raised about It. The Mir’s claims went a good deal beyond a mere right of cultivation. He “asserts that forts were built by the Hunza people with out any objection or interference. South of Azgar “many ruins of houses, old irrigation channels and fields now no longer tilted , testify to Raskam having formerly been inhabited and cultivated”. Anyone familiar with the care with which the Kanjuts cultivate every available strip of land in their own Hunza would have no hesitation in regarding this as proof of long standing Kanjuti occupation. The remains could not have been attributed to the Kirghiz; they were unfamiliar with the state of art. Nor were the indigenous Kanjutis, robbers. It was the Kirghiz vagabonds and nomads who were aimless marauders.
In fact, W.H.Johnson explicitly and in no uncertain terms calls the Kirghiz vagabonds and nomads who were aimless marauders as "robbers". “The findings of W.H. Johnson’s survey established certain important points”. "Brinjga was in his view the boundary post" ( near the Karanghu Tagh Peak in the Kuen Lun in Ladakh ), thus implying "that the boundary lay along the Kuen Lun Range". Johnson’s findings demonstrated that the whole of the Kara Kash valley was “within the territory of the Maharaja of Kashmir” and an integral part of the territory of Kashmir. "He noted where the Chinese boundary post was accepted. At Yangi Langar, three marches from Khotan, he noticed that there were a few fruit trees at this place which originally was a post or guard house of the Chinese". To quote from “Himalayan Battleground” by Margaret W. Fisher, Leo E. Rose and Robert A. Huttenback, page 116 “The Khan wrote Johnson ‘that he had dispatched his Wazier, Saifulla Khoja to meet me at Bringja, the first encampment beyond the Ladakh boundary for the purpose of escorting me thence to Ilichi’… thus the Khotan ruler accepted the Kunlun range as the southern boundary of his dominion.” According to Johnson, “the last portion of the route to Shadulla (Shahidulla) is particularly pleasant, being the whole of the Karakash valley which is wide and even, and shut in either side by rugged mountains. On this route I noticed numerous extensive plateaux near the river, covered with wood and long grass. These being within the territory of the Maharaja of Kashmir, could easily be brought under cultivation by Ladakhees and others, if they could be induced and encouraged to do so by the Kashmeer Government. The establishment of villages and habitations on this river would be important in many points of view, but chiefly in keeping the route open from the attacks of the Khergiz robbers.”
Phunchok Stobdan, further writes in his article that,
"...Kashmir’s sovereignty extended up to the Hindu-tash in the mid-19th century, when Maharaja Ranbir Singh ordered the building of a fort on a bluff at Shahidulla in 1864 to prevent the spillover of unrest when Yakub Beg was driven out by the Chinese from Khotan"
"A small Dogra detachment guarded the fort till 1866, when it was abandoned due to its distant location. Kokandi troops held the fort before the Chinese demolished it in the 1890s.
Remarkably, in the midst of the Great Game, British surveyor WH Johnson travelled to Khotan in 1865 to establish a forward line to thwart Russian entry into the subcontinent. Johnson fixed a point — Brinjga — as India’s boundary in the Kunlun, opposite Karanghu Tagh of Ladakh. The Chinese Yangi Langar post fell deep inside Khotanese territory. A broad slice of territory along the Kunlun range, on which Kilian and Sanju passes are located, depicted India’s northernmost boundary line. Thus, the entire Karakash valley was ascribed to be part of Kashmir"....
"...Apart from the defence of Kashmir, Johnson was possibly prompted to draw the alignment for
several reasons: First, Shahidulla formed a vital tract junction between the Karakoram and Kunlun ranges through which Uyghur, Indian and Tibetan caravans traversed; second, Karakash had a strong Indian Buddhist imprint since ancient times; third, the Uyghur tribes historically recognised Hindu-tagh or Hindu-tash to be the traditional frontier with India; fourth, the entire Karakash valley with its waters could have been easily brought under cultivation by farmers of Nubra and Changthang; fifth, settling the population in the valley would have been another consideration, though the area was prone to attacks by Kanjuti robbers; sixth, Yaqub Beg himself regarded the Kunlun range to be the limit of Kashgharia...".
several reasons: First, Shahidulla formed a vital tract junction between the Karakoram and Kunlun ranges through which Uyghur, Indian and Tibetan caravans traversed; second, Karakash had a strong Indian Buddhist imprint since ancient times; third, the Uyghur tribes historically recognised Hindu-tagh or Hindu-tash to be the traditional frontier with India; fourth, the entire Karakash valley with its waters could have been easily brought under cultivation by farmers of Nubra and Changthang; fifth, settling the population in the valley would have been another consideration, though the area was prone to attacks by Kanjuti robbers; sixth, Yaqub Beg himself regarded the Kunlun range to be the limit of Kashgharia...".
For the first time in recent times after I credibly reiterated for the first time in the modern history of India that Hindu-tash and Sanju-La Passes are an integral and inalienable part of the territory of India, Phunchok Stobdan has now come forward to say unequivocally and in no uncertain terms that, "Kashmir’s sovereignty extended up to the Hindu-tash in the mid-19th century". Nothing of consequence whatsoever has changed till date. The Times Atlas of the World purportedly depicted Hindutash as part of Kashmir as recently as in 1900. Though the very same Times Atlas of the World had previously depicted the Hindutash Pass as part of Kashmir as recently as in 1900, In this 1959 map, they have the audacity to draw two lines with the caption “undefined frontier” between them but even in this 1959 map the Hindutash and Sanju-la Passes are not depicted as part of Kashmir and the international border is not depicted on the Kuen Lun range in that area because of their visceral hatred of India! The sovereignty and territorial integrity of India remains intact and unchanged till date. Would others step in and come forward rather than maintaining a sphinx like deafening silence burying their head in the sand like an ostrich, and do the same and reiterate that Sanju La and Hindu-tash are an integral and inalienable part of the territory of India at least now? The Hindu-tash Ridge connects the Hindu-tash Pass with the Sanju-la Pass in Ladakh. Hindu-tash is eternally politically and geographically a part of India and no power terrestrial or extraterrestrial can do anything about that. Hindutash and Sanju -La were part of the territory of India and the territorial extent of India at the time of the commencement of the sacrosanct Constitution of India and at the time of the accession of the princely state of Kashmir which was in its entirety to the Union of India.
It is in the fitness of things that Wikipedia which is notorious for summarily supporting Chinese territorial claims in India and engages so called admins who are nothing but criminal thugs or ruffians, and a law unto themselves and not at all accountable for their criminal actions rushed to block my version and even block me as a legitimate and bona fide Indian editor and publish the pro-Chinese versions in view of the fact that I was verily a threat to their policy of summarily supporting Chinese territorial claims inside the sacred territory of India .
But, what do we do with a shameless and spineless Government of India the like of which cannot be
found anywhere in the world, which exhibits only subservience and servitude and has the propensity and impulsively can summarily rush to the Supreme Court of India in collusion with the regime in China and prefer an affidavit which is per se false, bogus and spurious and detrimental to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India like was done in the case of the Kachchhathivu or Kohinoor and hoodwink or backstab India?
found anywhere in the world, which exhibits only subservience and servitude and has the propensity and impulsively can summarily rush to the Supreme Court of India in collusion with the regime in China and prefer an affidavit which is per se false, bogus and spurious and detrimental to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India like was done in the case of the Kachchhathivu or Kohinoor and hoodwink or backstab India?
It was all an overt and covert diabolical pre-planned game plan of the colonial English in the long run to do as much harm as possible to India's sovereignty and territorial integrity before they were made to quit bag & baggage because of their visceral hatred of India.
It would be an agonising and prolonged wait for India till the meek and docile Government of India
does the inevitable & summarily and denounces and repudiates the act of Jawaharlal Nehru and vitiates the fraudulent act of treason perpetrated on India by Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru in collusion with the Regime in China, and the same is impending and just inevitably waiting to happen.
1 comment:
Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .
Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region
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