Thursday, May 26, 2022

There is nothing exceptional about Kashmir!

There is nothing exceptional about Kashmir. There were princely states in the length and breadth of India from Makran or Kharan in the western province of Baluchistan in western India to Manipur in eastern India or from Gilgit and Kanjut in Kashmir in northern India to Thiruvithamkoor in southern India. The option of independence was not available to any of the princely states. What is exceptional about Kashmir alone? The so-called Kashmir issue is a freak and artificial one which is the result of the arbitrary and artificial partition of India and the callousness of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru and his wilful inaction regarding the enforcement of the accession of the princely state of Kashmir to the Union of India and rather lodging a foolish complaint in the United Nations Organisation without the prior eviction of the invaders or raiders from Pakistan. Nor did Kashmir become a  condominium! Mr.Jawaharlal Nehru should have either permitted Pakistan to integrate the whole of predominantly Muslim Kashmir in its entirety into Pakistan, or he should have enforced the perfectly legal and valid legal accession of the whole of the princely state of Kashmir which comprises inter alia Gilgit, Kanjut, Baltistan, Ladakh, Mirpur, Chilas, the valley of Kashmir and Jammu in its entirety to the Union of India. But, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru being Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru did neither! Even if the either had been done, then again there is a problem. It verily needed a vast strong united India with all the full strength which she could command to protect the external northern frontier of a geo-strategic province like Kashmir with the Trans- Kuen Lun Range country

of East Turkistan annexed by the Chinese. Neither the Pakistanis nor the Indians of the post 1947 partition moth-eaten India could do it on their own simply because only a big strong united country could do it!  It was to circumvent this handicap or impediment that President Field Marshal Ayub Khan  suggested a military alliance in the nature of a Common Joint defence for both India and Pakistan in the year 1959. The partition  of India itself was intrinsically and inherently flawed and morally wrong as the Sub-continent of India is a single organic living entity which cannot be amputated or divided or partitioned into two distinct beings or entities! Thus the so-called Kashmir issue was created, but it had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that intrinsically or inherently Kashmir is a part of India just like any other part of India. Nothing more, nothing less! By India, I mean the historical nation of India prior to 1947 of which Kashmir or Baluchistan are an organic part, and not the moth-eaten present artificial borders like the Durand or Radcliffe Lines after the 1947 partition. The reason for the so-called Kashmir issue is thus per se extraneous and has nothing whatsoever to do with intrinsic status of the province of Kashmir itself. Article 370 of the Constitution of India is no artificial gum or glue which will indefinitely and permanently bond two mutually distinct & incompatible items. It was never ever required. Either Kashmir is intrinsically & inherently a part of India which Kashmir per se is and Kashmir will remain an inalienable and sacred part of India without the requirement of an artificial glue or an adhesive or conversely, if a territory is per se incompatible and not intrinsically and inherently a part of India, no artificial glue or adhesive in the nature of Article 370 of the Constitution of India can retain the territory  with the rest of India and the area would simply be a possession or colony rather than an organic part of India which Kashmir per se inherently and intrinsically is! Ultimately, the issue is whether the right to the nationhood of India can be permitted to be challenged and India be subjected to Balkanisation by whosoever or the nationhood of India be vindicated and whether the idea of India has to be preserved and protected for posterity!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region