Friday, April 1, 2022

India is destined to remain friend-less and alone

 The United States Deputy National Security Advisor, Daleep Singh is absolutely right that come-what-may,

the Russians would only support the Chinese in their territorial claims in India including the Cis-Kuen Tract in northern Kashmir extending from Chhogori K2 to the Taghdumbash Pamir and Mariom Pamir and the Kukalang, Yangi, Kilian, Sanju-la and Hindu-tash Passes in northern Kashmir, or Aksai Chin 36°40'36"N 78°21'33"E in Ladakh. The issue is

whether the United States is going to unconditionally and absolutely  support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of India vis-à-vis India's beloved and sacred inalienable Aksai Chin 36°40'36"N 78°21'33"E in Ladakh and whether their official  and government maps would depict Aksai Chin in Ladakh as per se an integral and inalienable part of India and not a so-called disputed territory, in exchange for India's friendship and support! The answer is a big resounding no! The United States regime would also support the Chinese in their territorial claims inside India in particular Aksai Chin in Ladakh, not because Aksai Chin is allegedly a so-called disputed territory, but because of their ulterior vested interests and diabolical game-plan.  Aksai Chin is per se a part of Ladakh and status of  Aksai Chin as integral part of India is non-compromisable. The fact is that India has no friends and India is all alone and destined to be alone and friendless, and has to be strong and powerful, for her defence or offence, to on her own drive away and throw the Chinese out of India's beloved and sacred inalienable Aksai Chin  36°40'36"N 78°21'33"E in Ladakh  and the Cis-Kuen Tract in northern Kashmir in the inevitable and impending war with the Rogue Chinese regime, and also to defend herself from threats to her

sovereignty and territorial integrity from the Russians and Americans vis-à-vis the Chagos Archipelago in Lakshadvipa 6°40'07"S 71°19'48"E  in southeastern India. But the fact of the matter is that whichever government is in power in India, be it the Congress Government or the BJP government, the government of India is meek, submissive, subservient and servile and the

people of India rather than becoming modern, secular, irreligious and progressive nationalists are with the tacit support of the present dispensation gradually  undergoing a metamorphosis and predominantly fast being converted to become perverse narrow-minded communal and fascists nurturing a  visceral Islamophobia which imperils and threatens the predominantly peaceful Indian Muslims with genocide and annihilation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region