Thursday, August 20, 2020

Arundhati Roy's duplicity and her apparent collusion with hostile powers inimical to India's sovereignty and territorial integrity

In a writeup published by Arundhati Roy, titled “Modi's brutal treatment of Kashmir exposes his tactics – and their flaws”, written in a foreign Newspaper, the Guardian to cater to her foreign white audience and masters,  She states,” In India’s parliament, home minister Amit Shah went further. He said he was prepared to lay down his life to take over the territories of what India calls Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) and what Kashmiris call Azad Kashmir, as well as the frontier provinces of Gilgit-Baltistan. He also threw in Aksai Chin, once part of the erstwhile kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir, now a part of China. He was wading into dangerous territory, literally as well as figuratively” .

So according to Arundhati Roy, the nationalistic and  patriotic duty of liberating 

the Chinese and Pakistani occupied parts of Kashmir whose accession to the Union of India was legal and  was in its entirety and the welcome purported  statement of the Home Minister that Aksai Chin is a sacred part of the territory of the composite state of Jammu and Kashmir and that this aspect about the territorial extent of Jammu and Kashmir whose accession to the Union of India was in its entirety has been enunciated in both the sacrosanct  Constitution of India as well as the then Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir  and that he would give his life for Pakistan Occupied Kashmir  is improper.  She alleges and claims that Aksai Chin “once part of the erstwhile kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir”, is  “now a part of China”. Thus she per se  recognizes Aksai Chin as allegedly a part of “China” and not a part of Ladakh, Kashmir, India! She does not unequivocally say that the whole of Aksai Chin 36°25'34"N 78°46'39"E in Ladakh, Kashmir in its entirety is an integral, sacred and inalienable part of India. 

This is not a write-up purportedly  about the rampant human rights violation in the length and breadth of India. It is geo-strategical  writing by a person with geo-strategic interests availing classified information, who is in collusion with enemies of India and she is supporting these Countries in their territorial claims in India using the façade of violation of human rights in India about which she does not have an iota of interest . It has nothing whatsoever to  do with Human Rights and the Government of India and  all Indians should see through her deceitful and treacherous collusive geo-strategic vested interests to undermine the security and the sacred territorial integrity of India.

According to Arundhati Roy, it is provocation if  the Indian meteorological department begins to include Gilgit-Baltistan in its National Indian weather reports. She is asking India  as the agent of the Chinese Rogue State to be subservient and servile to the Chinese Rogue State and  beware of  the Rogue Chinese regime  when it urged India to “be cautious in its words and deeds on the border issue”.

She blames the Honourable  Supreme Court of India and commits contempt of the Honourable Supreme Court of India  by stating that the Honourable  Supreme Court of India  “for a whole year allowed the internet siege to continue and ignored the 600 habeas corpus petitions by distraught people seeking the whereabouts of their family members”.


She expects India to be servile and subservient to the Rogue Chinese Regime in unlawful military occupation of our sovereign neighbouring  Countries, Tibet and East Turkistan. She says, “We have a dragon on our doorstep and it isn’t happy”.  She claims that the Galwan Valley is on the “Ladakh Border” whereas the Galwan Valley is on the Ceasefire Line and in the interior of Kashmir and not on the International Border of India with East Turkistan adjoining the Sanju-La and the Hindu-tash Passes in Ladakh.  According to her, “On 17 June 2020, we awoke to the horrifying news that 20 Indian soldiers including a colonel had been brutally killed by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the icy reaches of the remote Galwan Valley on the Ladakh border”. She keeps mum about the countless Chinese soldiers who had been butchered by the  Indian Armed Forces! She remains silent burying her head under the sand and maintains a Sphinx like deafening silence. Being So, according to Arundhati Roy, the Galwan Valley is on the International Border. She is blatantly in collusion with the Rogue Chinese State. Let there be not an iota of doubt about that.  There is much more to it than meets the eye. This write-up of her's is not at all about human rights violation but a write-up upholding the Chinese territorial claims inside India, and Arundhati Roy has to be held accountable. She is as per the diabolical gameplan, trying scaremonger Indians and endeavouring to demean, intimidate, and undermine India's indomitable resolve to drive away and throw the Chinese out of India's beloved inalienable  Aksai Chin in Ladakh. If she is interrogated, and subjected to polygraph, narco-analysis and brain-mapping, the cat would be out of the bagShe has to apologise and confess and divulge the information about the enemies of India with whom she is liaising and  verily in collusion with the Chinese and other adversaries in their endeavor to balkanize India and undermine the geo-strategic interests of India and her sacred territorial integrity at a time when India is spiraling towards the re-unification of India, and beg the pardon of the proud nation of India or be subjected to criminal prosecution  in accordance with law for treason and sedition in collusion with the Chinese occupying India's neighbouring countries, Tibet and East Turkistan.


Arundhati Roy does not admit that the areas into  which the Chinese encroached  is per se an integral  and inalienable sacred  part of India and refers to the around more than hundreds of square kilometres of land which the Chinese have encroached as  what India considers to be its territory”.  She expects India to be docile, servile and subservient to the Chinese and suggests that the encroachment was not a naked aggression  by China but was a result of the Home Minister of India purportedly stating that Aksai Chin shall be liberated from Chinese Occupation.  She says, “ Was it just naked aggression as portrayed by the Indian media? Or have the Chinese moved to protect what they see as their vital interests – a road

through the high mountains of Aksai Chin and a trade route through Pakistan Occupied/Azad Kashmir? Both are under threat, if the belligerent statements made by India’s home minister were to be taken seriously, and how can they not be? Arundhati Roy is actually vindicating and validating the encroachments of the Rogue Chinese Regime further into western Ladakh in the Galwan and the Pangong Tsu in western Ladakh.  

The Home Minister of India, Mr. Amit Shah  rightly  stated in the Parliament of India that, "Kashmir is an integral part of India, there is no doubt about it. When I say Jammu and Kashmir, I include Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Aksai Chin, both are included in the territorial boundaries of Jammu and Kashmir". That was a welcome statement. It was a breath of fresh air which ought to have been unanimously  welcomed by all political parties in India across the political spectrum. We did not see the suspected  Italian spy, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi clap or applaud our Home Minister of India when he unequivocally stated that he would sacrifice his life for PoK. She was in a well practiced and rehearsed  modus operandi looking behind to view her coterie playing out her whims and fancies as per the prior geostrategic arrangement put in practice.  

Arundhati Roy is obviously right when she says that, “But even without an official war, for India to keep a standing army on the Ladakh border, supplied and equipped for high-altitude warfare, for it to even remotely match China’s arsenal, India’s defence budget would probably have to double or triple in size. Even that won’t be enough”.  Why does Arundhati Roy not call out for the  summary and proportional Increase in the defence budget of India so that it is on par with the Chinese defence budget? Yes, India has to increase manifold her defence budget exponentially and more than  triple her defence budget and support the independence of Tibet and East Turkistan and recognize Tibet and East Turkistan as sovereign independent neighbouring countries and oust China and take the place of the Rogue State of China in the Security Council of the United Nations Organisation with full power of Veto and vitiate all proceedings of the United Nations Organisation prior to that as ab initio illegal and null and void.  But the pertinent issue is where does Arundhati Roy  who is

purportedly a petty puny cheap pulp fiction writer turned "human rights activist" get this highly classified geo-strategic information from? These are not words emanating from a purportedly human rights activist, she ostensibly claims to be but is pregnant with classified geo-strategical information. Why should this information be at all  a part of a write-up which is allegedly about human rights violations in Kashmir?  The truth is that her predominantly gibberish purported write-up about alleged human rights violations in Kashmir is simply a façade  for her writing a geo-strategic geopolitical and militaristic  article blatantly supporting  and in collusion with the Rogue Chinese Regime and supporting their bogus, fictitious  and spurious territorial

claims inside India to the detriment of India. The Government of India should see through her deceitful  and treacherous conduct and prosecute her in accordance with law, not because she purportedly wrote an article condemning human rights violations in Kashmir  but because this article is not at all about human rights violations in Kashmir but a collusive geo-strategic article supporting Chinese strategic  interests and geo-strategic territorial claims inside India to the geo-strategic  detriment of India  and Indians have to wake up and see through the conduct of such parasitic agents of regimes hostile to the unity and territorial integrity of India makinguse of the prevalence of rule of law and Constitutional law in India to undermine India’s geo-strategic interests.  

Arundhati Roy ridicules the unanimous Judgment of the Honlurable Supreme Court of India on the Ayodhya  temple by stating that the construction of a Sri Rama temple, “as well as the blessings of India’s supreme court”.

Arundhati Roy finally culminates by  quoting  the Chinese and warning Indians to be servile and subservient to the Rogue Chinese Regime in illegal military occupation of India’s traditional and historical sovereign neighbours, Tibet and the trans Kuen-Lun State of East Turkistan. She says, “The

world oroder is changing. You can’t bully people and act like the top dog in the neighbourhood when you’re not top dog. That’s not a Chinese saying. It’s just common sense”. Arundhati Roy is just as per her diabolical conspiracy and game plan, trying to demoralise or Indian Army and the proud Indian nation. 

The message on the wall is loud and clear, India should not be a proud and sovereign  nation and should know where their place is, that of perpetual subservience and servility to the Rogue Chinese Regime of the distant and faraway  Rogue State of China in East Asia in illegal military Occupation of Tibet and East Turkistan and claiming to be a country which allegedly has an international Boundary with India!

The veritable modus operandi of Arundhati Roy is to as per her game plan, earn fame and glory by

initially supporting a just movement like the Narmada movement or Athirapally in the Vazhachal forest and after she has done just that, misuse her ill-earned fame and glory obviously at the behest of countries hostile to India in Europe and North America and East Asia which countries India should be wary of, and start espousing separatist movements in India. India should interrogate her and get the cat out of the bag by making her divulge the names of the hostile countries at whose behest she is indulging in such illegal and anti-national delinquencies! This is per se a form of neo-colonialism pure and simple! Arundhati Roy may have won the so-called Booker Prize as a part of the game plan for obvious quid pro quo reasons but at the end of the day, she is just a giggling and gossiping silly girl. But when she crosses the line and makes all fantastic sensational collusive statements which are per se false, derogatory, preposterous, absurd, and legally unsustainable and meant solely for earning the goodwill and praise of her predominantly white extra-national patrons in the West and countries hostile to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of India to the detriment of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India, she has to be brought to justice, not for expressing her freedom of speech or making dissenting statements but for maliciously making untrue statements to sub-serve and cater to the needs of her white patrons abroad and in collusion with them. 

But however, Arundhati Roy is deeply concerned that "India will cease to exist if we accept National

Register of Citizens and the Citizenship Amendment Bill:, adding that “we are faced with the biggest challenge since Independence.” Such a shameless and spineless character who wants to balkanise India but nevertheless is deeply concerned that India will cease to exist! It would be wrong to assume that she is delusional or mentally retarded or is genetically afflicted with idiocy! She wants to have the cake and eat it also and she knows that she can with impunity, this being India! She is a crook!

Yes, "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing”!




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region