Friday, November 4, 2022

Controversy pertaining to Jana Gana Mana

"A controversy is going on whether Tagore wrote ' Jana Gana Mana ' in honour of the British King George the Fifth who visited India in 1911. In this connection I had supported this view in my fb post and blog, giving my reasons. Those who wish to refute me should point out the flaws in my reasoning. You cannot demolish a reasoned argument by mere assertions without giving reasons. So I am reproducing my post, and

invite reasoned comments", says His Lordship,  Honourable Justice Markanday Katju in his website blog, "Satyam Bruyat"  to which I had posted my  invincible  comment therein possibly dated 11, May 2015.

Though the song was purportedly composed by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore in December 1911, welcoming and honouring King George v at the time of the Coronation Durbar of George V, and "Bharata Bhagya vidhata" and "Adhinayaka" is in fact in praise of ...King George V and not God and though the song was composed prior to the arbitrary and artificial partition of India in 1947, except for the isolated reference to Sindh, the song does not cover the geography and length and breadth of India adequately. There is neither a reference to the western province of Baluchistan in its entirety including the occupied western portion of the western province of Baluchistan,  Roh, Gandhara in northwestern India  nor  Nepal or Assam or Kamarupa or Pragjyothisha, or Manipur, or Raksapura with her capital Dhanyawadi. On the other hand, reference to some of the regions has been repetitive. For example, since there is already a reference to the Ganga basin, there need not have been a reference to Bengal. Instead, pre-partitioned Assam as the easternmost part of India ought to have been referred to. Or since there is already a reference to the Yamuna basin, Gañga, a mere tributary of the Yamuna need not have been referred to and instead the mighty Brahmaputra  ought to have been referred to. There is no reference to the Hindu Kush or Rohita, the mountain massif fastness of Roh or Afghanistan and the  reference to the Himalayas is vague and the name “Himachal” seems to be used more in the nature of a political context, i.e. the State of Himachal Pradesh or a section of the Himalayas and does not inspire confidence, rather than the entire Great Himalayan Ãrch of the  great Himalaya mountain ranges spiraling in northern India from the Kuen Lun Range in the  northern part of the highlands of Kashmir wherein are the Sanju-la and Hindu-tash Passes 36°26'00"N 78°46'39"E in Aksai Chin in Ladakh to the Lagya pass in the Assam Himalaya! There is no reference to the southern islands including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Lakshadvipa extending to the Chagos Archipelago and Diego Garcia, Sukhadhara Dvipa, and  the legendary mythical Lañka. It seems as though, the partition of India was foreseen and the song deliberately avoided reference to areas which would cease to remain integral part of India after the arbitrary and artificial partition of India in pursuance to the diabolical conspiracy and game plan of the colonial English to give a final slap in the face of the Indians before Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army unceremoniously threw and drove them out of the sprawling Sub-continent of India in its entirety!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region