Pakistan is irrelevant. It is a bogus and spurious creation. At the most, it is meant to be an impediment to contain the progress of India and prevent her from attaining her status as a world power like becoming a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations Organisation with full power of veto in the place of China, by playing the role of an obstacle, or spoilsport which was the reason Pakistan was created in 1947 in the first place pursuant to a game plan! Pakistan has no other role to play. Pakistan has no other purpose. If the Pakistanis think that Pakistan was created to sub-serve their purpose, they are mistaken. Pakistan was created to sub-serve the geo-strategic, needs of the Europe and North America.
It all has to do with the fact that at the end of the day, Pakistan is a spurious and bogus creation. Notwithstanding the best intentions of Jinnah, when he created a state for the first time in the world on the basis of the religious beliefs of Indians, it sent the ball rolling. One thing leads to another. It happens with clockwork precision and cannot be averted or prevented. That is how all the minorities including the Ahmadi Muslims came to be discriminated. The chain reaction or domino effect is inevitable and the end result will play itself out eventually to its logical conclusion, not withstanding the sane voices of the minority intellectuals and academics! There is only one way, only one way to stop the domino effect and that is to nip it at the source! So there!
The crux with South Asian Muslims is that they don't have a pride in their Indo-Aryan race and ancestry. They imagine that they are Arabs, or Turks or Persians in accordance with their whims and fancies! Only a common pride in our Indo-Aryan ancestry and a renaissance can save us!
The main country the United States would blindly
and unconditionally support against India and ditch India is China. Would either the Democratic or the Republican regime unequivocally support India's sovereignty and territorial integrity in Aksai Chin 36°22'48"N 78°48'01"E in Ladakh and publish official United States Government maps depicting Aksai Chin 34°42'19"N 80°42'36"E in Ngari- Khor-sum in Ladakh as an integral and inalienable part of India?
Yes, that's what I have been saying all along. In the long run; We don't really have any friends, only opportunistic busybodies. We are all alone and destined to be on our own against predominantly the rest of the whole world. We have to be careful! We have to be wary of the offer of friendship from various sources. Their honesty and sincerity is suspect! In the long run we have to have an indigenously designed up to date sophisticated star-wars defence and offense technology and intercontinental ballistic missile technologies to strike any target wheresoever anywhere, even in the western hemisphere, should any state try to endanger our peaceful existence! So that jerks who are aspiring to be President or Vice President in states wheresoever they are which are historically averse to the territorial integrity of India, her security, and self-reliance, and have game-plans put in place do not get ideas inside their morbid head!
please read this
Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .
Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region
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