How does India deal with China? China does not have any further territorial
claims in northern Vietnam! The demarcation of the Vietnam China border is
already outrageously and predominantly biased in favour of China. Ultimately,
the Chinese have already occupied all the territory in India which they want
and claim. Aksai Chin, the Cis- Kuen Lun Tract in Kashmir extending from the
Chhogori Peak (K2) and the Shimshal in central Kashmir to the Raskam adjoining
the Kuen Lun Range in northern
Kashmir wherein are the Dafdar, the Taghdumbash Pamir and Mariom Pamir in northern Kashmir and the Kukalang, Yangi, Kilian, Sanju-la and Hindutash Passes in Kashmir, Rudokh, Shang Shung or Guge. India cannot permit the status quo to continue where India would continue to claim that, say the Aksai Chin or Cis-Kuen Tract is an integral part of India and under illegal Chinese occupation but the territory would continue to remain in illegal military Chinese occupation prolonged and indefinitely. India has to do something to take back our areas from illegal Chinese occupation. That's why, China is so very utterly desperate to clinch a deal in the so called border talks because it is they who desperately want to give legitimacy and credibility to their illegal occupation of parts of India. India has to voraciously raise the issue of the disputed restive area of Ningxia & Shanxi in the far distant northwestern frontiers of China adjoining the Republic of Mongolia in the International fora whenever China raises the issue of Kashmir! When China raises the issue of Kashmir
which is per se an integral part of India historically, we should not retaliate by talking about Tibet or East Turkistan which are per se foreign countries which historically were never part of China. We should not equate Kashmir with Tibet or East Turkistan, which is what they prefer. They would laugh behind our backs! What Afghanistan is historically to India as the northwestern part of India historically, Shanxi is historically to China! Chinese occupied East Turkistan is not a part of distant China in East Asia. There is an independence movement going on in East Turkistan and if the cunning, sly and shrewd Regime in China is able to deceive the international community and convince them that the independence movement is inspired by the Tahliban and Al -Qaeda, then the Chinese can obtain a carte
blanche and summarily suppress,annihilate and exterminate the legitimate independence movement with impunity without having to adhere to principles of rule of law or to any protocol adhered to by civilised nations whatsoever under the façade of alleged war against Islamic jihadi terror without being questioned, accountable or answerable to the International Community about their commission of the grave crimes against humanity and of genocide on the East Turkistanis or the violation of their human rights! In reality the movement for the independence of East Turkistan is no more a manifestation of Islamic terror than the movement for the independence of Tibet is a manifestation of Buddhist terrorism!
Kashmir wherein are the Dafdar, the Taghdumbash Pamir and Mariom Pamir in northern Kashmir and the Kukalang, Yangi, Kilian, Sanju-la and Hindutash Passes in Kashmir, Rudokh, Shang Shung or Guge. India cannot permit the status quo to continue where India would continue to claim that, say the Aksai Chin or Cis-Kuen Tract is an integral part of India and under illegal Chinese occupation but the territory would continue to remain in illegal military Chinese occupation prolonged and indefinitely. India has to do something to take back our areas from illegal Chinese occupation. That's why, China is so very utterly desperate to clinch a deal in the so called border talks because it is they who desperately want to give legitimacy and credibility to their illegal occupation of parts of India. India has to voraciously raise the issue of the disputed restive area of Ningxia & Shanxi in the far distant northwestern frontiers of China adjoining the Republic of Mongolia in the International fora whenever China raises the issue of Kashmir! When China raises the issue of Kashmir
which is per se an integral part of India historically, we should not retaliate by talking about Tibet or East Turkistan which are per se foreign countries which historically were never part of China. We should not equate Kashmir with Tibet or East Turkistan, which is what they prefer. They would laugh behind our backs! What Afghanistan is historically to India as the northwestern part of India historically, Shanxi is historically to China! Chinese occupied East Turkistan is not a part of distant China in East Asia. There is an independence movement going on in East Turkistan and if the cunning, sly and shrewd Regime in China is able to deceive the international community and convince them that the independence movement is inspired by the Tahliban and Al -Qaeda, then the Chinese can obtain a carte
blanche and summarily suppress,annihilate and exterminate the legitimate independence movement with impunity without having to adhere to principles of rule of law or to any protocol adhered to by civilised nations whatsoever under the façade of alleged war against Islamic jihadi terror without being questioned, accountable or answerable to the International Community about their commission of the grave crimes against humanity and of genocide on the East Turkistanis or the violation of their human rights! In reality the movement for the independence of East Turkistan is no more a manifestation of Islamic terror than the movement for the independence of Tibet is a manifestation of Buddhist terrorism!
1 comment:
Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .
Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region
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