Monday, October 10, 2016

Further illegal surrender of territory of India in Aksai Chin by the Survey of India

As per the spurious and bogus map of Kashmir published illegally in 1954 at
the behest of Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru by the Survey of India, the Kuen Lun Border of India with East Turkistan from the Taghdumbash Pamir and Mariom Pamir, and the Kukalang ,Yangi Dawan,
Kilian, Sanju-La, and Hindutash Passes in northern Kashmir, had been illegally restricted and illegally confined to only a section of the northern border of Aksai Chin pertaining to the small stretch of border in the area in Kashmir comprising Yangi, Cholpanglik Peak and Muztagh Peak, but now the shameless, wretched and spineless Babus in the Survey of India with the
stealthy complicity of the Government of India have obviously in collusion with the Chinese further perpetrated one more illegality over the earlier oneof 1954 vis-à-vis Aksai Chin in north eastern Kashmir by further cartographically surrendering further inalienable parts of India in Aksai Chin to the Chinese occupying Tibet and East Turkistan by further illegally depicting areas comprising the headwaters of the Yarung Kash or Yurung-Kash in Aksai Chin as not part of Aksai Chin in Ladakh  and by portraying a line to the south of the Kuen Lun ridge rather than on the Kuen Lun Range (See the legend "Kunlun mountain range" in the top right of the uploaded map below) whereby illegally forfeiting the Kuen Lun range border in a section of the Aksai Chin and illegally
surrendering the head waters of the Yarung Kash 
or Yurung-Kashin Aksai Chin to the Chinese occupying East Turkistan and Tibet resulting in the cession of territory of the Republic of India in a manner not known to law rendering the whole procedure adopted to surrender and
cede a part of the sacred territory of India ab initio illegal and null and void and ultra vires the sacrosanct and supreme Constitution of India!
Patriotic and nationalist Indians beware of the nefarious and diabolical game plan of illegally surrendering further areas in India to the Chinese. Be afraid , be very afraid!


Anonymous said...

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region