Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Lies and deceit of Neville Maxwell

Apropos the shameless and deceitful statements of Neville Maxwell author of  "India's China War"  who has
recently published selective portions of the so called " Henderson Brooks-Bhagat Report "  that, "Then in 1954 he compounded that mistake by laying cartographic claim to a swathe of territory in the north-west, the Aksai Chin, a claim which was beyond anything the British had ever claimed and on "an area which Chinese governments had treated as their own for at least a hundred years". To make matters worse, he ruled that there should be no negotiation over that claim either! So Indian policy had created a border dispute and also ruled out the only way it could peacefully be settled, through diplomatic negotiation", the  map given officially by Hung Ta Chen, a senior Chinese official, to the British Indian consul at Kashgar, in 1893 as well as the The “Postal map of China”, 1917, an official publication of the Government of China, published at Peking in 1917 refutes his perverted claim that the Chinese Government had treated the area  as their own for at least a hundred years. Yaqub Beg set up an independent Muslim country in East Turkistan which survived until 1877 when the Chinese troops recaptured Kashgar. W.H. Johnson’s survey established certain important points. Brinjga was the boundary post ( near the Karanghu Tagh Peak in the Kuen Lun in Ladakh), thus implying that the boundary lay along the Kuen Lun Range. Johnson’s findings demonstrated that the whole of the Kara Kash valley was  within the territory of the Maharaja of Kashmir and an integral part of the territory of Kashmir. He noted where the Chinese boundary post was accepted. At Yangi Langar, three marches from Khotan , he noticed that there were a few fruit trees at this place which originally was a post or guard house of the Chinese. Ney Elias who had been Joint Commissioner in Ladakh for several years noted on 21 September 1889 that he had met the Chinese in 1879 and 1880 when he visited Kashgar. “they told me that they considered their line
of ‘chatze’, or posts, as their frontier – viz. , Kugiar, Kilian, Sanju, Kiria, etc.- and that they had no concern with what lay beyond the mountains. The Chinese completed the reconquest of eastern Turkistan in 1878. Before they lost it in 1863, their practical authority, as Ney Elias British Joint Commissioner in Leh from the end of the 1870s to 1885, and Younghusband consistently maintained, "had never extended south of their outposts at Sanju and Kilian along the northern foothills of the Kuenlun range. Nor did they establish a known presence to the south of the line of outposts in the twelve years immediately following their return".The Kashmir authorities maintained two caravan routes right upto the traditional boundary. One, from Pamzal, known as the Eastern Changchenmo route, passed through Nischu, Lingzi Thang, Lak Tsung, Thaldat, Khitai Pass, Haji Langar along the Karakash valley”(obviously via Sumgal) “to Shahidulla. Police outposts were placed along these routes to protect the traders from the Khirghiz marauders who roamed the Aksai Chin after Yaqub Beg’s rebellion against the Chinese (1864-1878). The kingdom of Ladakh had always historically comprised Shangshung, Nari-Khorsum including  Guge. This was even prior to
period  Ladakh or  Maryul came under the Tibetan influence! By no stretch of influence was Aksai Chin 35°03'25.5"N 80°49'04.8"E, Ladakh  a disputed area. It was historically since time immemorial an integral part of Ladakh or Maryul  pure and simple.    Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru had  in fact also arbitrarily, unconstitutionally and illegally published in 1954 out of the blue, a per se outright spurious and bogus map out of the blue in accordance with his perverted whims and fancies which illegally did not depict areas in Kashmir which hitherto had been depicted as an integral part of India by the Survey of India in the various maps published prior to 1954 pertaining to the period immediately prior to the commencement of the Constitution of India in particular inter alia the official maps attached to the White Papers published in July 1948 and February 1950 by the Government of India's Ministry of States, headed, incidentally, by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, under the authority of India's Surveyor General G.F.Heaney. Mr.Neville Maxwell also, the typical chronic liar that he is,  rushes to state that   the British had  in the mid-1930s  seized the Tibetan territory  which they re-named NEFA. any Tibetan control over part of the Assam Himalaya had always been imperialistic. The areas like Pemako or Mon-yul  in Arunachal Pradesh had always been considered by Tibetans to be beyond the Tibetan frontier. In 1954, one Mr.Jawaharlal Nehru who occupied the post of Prime Minister of India had, out of the blue,stealthily and surreptitiously published for the first time , a new map of Kashmir. In June 1954, Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister of China was in India, and in the October of the same year Jawaharlal Nehru went to China. In between, Nehru issued a memorandum which stated
inter alia that the frontier should be considered a firm and definite one , which is not open to discussion with any one. A system of check posts should be spread along this entire frontier. How did he go about doing this? In 1954, thus a new official map of India was published out of the blue, stealthily by Nehru, referred to here as the `Nehru Line' which dropped the legend undefined `and showed the northern border of Kashmir with a clear firm line. Nehru, in accordance with his Memorandum which stated that the frontier should be a firm and definite one, arbitrarily, and illegally depicted a border of Kashmir which ran well in the interior of Kashmir depicting only those areas of Kashmir which according to him was definitely part of Kashmir and beyond dispute as part of Kashmir. But did he in fact  practice what he preached? That is, did he implement the alleged reason or excuse for the publication of the spurious and bogus map of 1954 in the first place?   Pertinently , it is imperative to note that the Director of the Intelligence Bureau , B.N. Mullik had recommended the setting of new posts in Kashmir in 1959 ,at inter alia Sarigh Jilganang Kol and Palong Karpo which was discussed in January 1959 at a meeting in the external affairs Ministry in the presence of Gen Thimayya , Chief of the Army staff and the Foreign secretary. Both the Army Chief and the Foreign Secretary had opposed the proposal to open border posts at inter alia Sarigh Jilganang Kol though Sarigh Jilganang Kol was situate deep inside Kashmir even according to the notorious obnoxious and ab initio illegal  1954 ‘Nehru Line’ because according to them, the opening of the said posts would ‘provoke’ the Chinese , and create tension. The despicable attitude of the External Affairs Ministry was that “this part of the territory was useless to India. Even if the Chinese did not encroach into it, India could not make any use of it. The boundary had not been demarcated and had been shifted more than once by the British”.  So much for claim that India provoked the war! The  1954 Nehru Line is ab initio illegal and null and void and ultra vires the sacrosanct and supreme Constitution of India and non est in law and is waiting to be annulled! Of course, India had to throw the Chinese out of Indian territory. The very fact of their presence inside Indian territory was ipso facto declaration of war enough. Where Mr. Nehru was at fault was that he had cartographically illegally ceded vast areas in India in a manner not known to law and after solomning undertaking to defend the border areas which were comprised even inside the illegal Nehru Line which he himself had published in 1954 out of the blue, he did not do the needful and open border posts at inter alia Sarigh Jilganang Kol though Sarigh Jilganang Kol. So the very reason for perpetrating the notorious spurious and bogus 1954 Nehru Line on the nation of India was ignored making the alleged purpose and rationale behind the creation of the map infructuous and a lie that vitiates the entire procedure by fraud, deception and treachery! Mr. Nehru also in collusion with the Chinese acquiesced the illegal military occupation of Tibet and also ensured that the Tibetans could not publicise the facts pertaining to the illegal Chinese occupation of their country so that the international community would take cognizance of the same. Also, he did not ensure that the Indian Army was well prepared  when the Chinese attacked. Apropos his allegation that, "...people will see that political favouritism put the Army under incompetent leadership which blindly followed the Nehru government's provocative policy",  It is obvious that the Army was under incompetent leadership , not because the leadership purportedly "followed the Nehru government's provocative policy" but because incompetent persons like Gen Thimayya , Chief of the Army staff had objected and obstructed to any endeavour to defend what was left of India territory after the illegal cession of Indian territory in 1954 as well as the Chinese encroachment into Indian territory.  In fact, rather than being provocative, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru had all along been in collusion with the Chinese regime and working to the detriment of India. Rather than listen to the deceitful and treacherous lies, Indians should expose and denounce and repudiate the crimes committed against the people  of India. Nehru needs to be exposed for all his collusive acts against India. It is imperative to call a spade a spade! The Flight of the Dalai Lama is a book written by Noel Barber wherein he elucidates Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru's wickedest lies and his deceit and treachory and his wilful misuse of the Coonstitutional Post which he occupied in the Republic of India and worked to subserve the interests of China come what may, and unfortunately, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru was not brought to justice before his death. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region