Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The deceit and treachery of Jawaharlal Nehru behind the fraudulent publication of the spurious and bogus 1954 Line

 1.  In June 1954, Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister of China

was in India, and in the October of the same year Jawaharlal Nehru went to China. In between in collusion with the Chinese, Nehru issued a memorandum which stated inter alia that the frontier should be considered a firm and definite one , which is not open to discussion with any one. A system of check posts should be spread along this entire frontier. 
In 1954, Nehru publishes an ab initio illegal bogus and spurious, fraudulent map which ceases  to depict vast areas of the Cis-Kuen Tract in northern Kashmir including Dafdar, Taghdumbash Pamir, Raskam, Kukalang Pass, and Sanju-la and Hindu-tash Passes as part

India and consequently results in the illegal cartographical cession of the aforesaid integral parts of India resulting in the illegal diminution of the territorial extent of India as a gift to the Chinese. 

2. Alleged purpose of the 1954 Nehru Line:- "Frontier should be considered a firm and definite one, which is not open to discussion with any one. A system of check posts should  be spread along this entire frontier"! 

3. In 1959, The Director of the Intelligence Bureau , B.N. Mullik recommends the setting of new posts in Kashmir, at inter alia Sarigh Jilganang Kol and Palong Karpo  verily in consonance with the alleged rationale behind the 1954 line which is discussed in January 1959 at a meeting in the External Affairs Ministry in the presence of Gen. Thimayya , Chief of the Army staff and the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Subimal Dutt, who was a part of Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru's coterie. Both the 
Army Chief and the Foreign Secretary  oppose the proposal to open border posts at inter alia Sarigh Jilganang Kol  because according to them, the opening of the said posts would ‘provoke’ the Chinese, and create tension and “this part of the territory was useless to India".

4. Both Sarigh Jilganang Kol and Palong Karpo are well within the precincts of even the ab initio illegal, and null and void spurious and bogus 1954 line fraudulently concocted by Mr. Jawaharlal

Nehru out of the blue which had illegally surrendered vast areas of the Cis-Kuen Tract in northern Kashmir, the purpose of which purportedly was "a firm and definite one , which is not open to discussion with any one. A system of check posts should be spread along this entire frontier".

5. In consonance with the alleged rationale and reasoning behind the spurious and bogus 1954 line, The Director of the Intelligence Bureau , B.N. Mullik  recommends the setting of new posts in Kashmir, at inter alia Sarigh Jilganang Kol and Palong Karpo which are well within the precincts of the left over part of Kashmir after the  ab initio illegal cartographical cession of  areas in the Cis-Kuen Tract in northern Kashmir including inter alia Dafdar, the Taghdumbash Pamir, the Mariom Pamir, Raskam, and the Kukalang, Sanju-la and Hindu-tash Passes in Kashmir.

6. The External Affairs Ministry in the presence of Gen Thimayya , Chief of the Army staff and the Foreign secretary Subimal Dutt reject the proposal as "it would ‘provoke’ the Chinese"! 

7. If the alleged reasons and rationale   for the concoction of the ab initio illegal 1954 Line could not be adhered to and Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru had neither inclination nor the will or desire to implement  and adhere to the rationale behind the ab initio illegal 1954 line, viz. The "Frontier should be considered a firm and definite one,  which is not open to discussion with any one. A system of check posts should be spread along this entire frontier", why was the ab initio illegal and fraudulent bogus and spurious 1954 line which illegally  surrendered vast areas in Kashmir in the aforesaid Cis-Kuen Tract in northern Kashmir and resulted in the illegal cartographical cession of territory of India and the illegal and fraudulent diminution of the territorial extent of India in a manner not known to law, at all  have to be published in the first place?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir in wikipedia article about extreme points of India in 2017, they displayed that 37°24′00″N 75°24′00″E(north of Dafdar) is the northernmost point claimed by india but later deleted it. Sir, if possible can you pls upload a map depicting the above given coordinate as our northernmost point .

Even Aurel stein published a similar geographical map. Even in old maps of ladakh on northern frontiers and wikimedia websites depict hindu tash region