Thursday, May 14, 2020

Baluchistan, historically an inalienable and integral part of India

 "Within Baluchistan the population is not ethnically homogeneous. Some communities are identified (by themselves and others) as Balōč (see 10 below), with the implication that they are descended from those who

entered the area as Balōč; while others, though considered members of Baluch society now and identifying as Baluch in relation to the outside world, are known within Baluch society by other tribal (e.g., Nowšērvānī, Gīčkī, Bārakzay) and subethnic (e.g., Brahui, Dehwār, ḡolām, Jaḍgāl, Mēd) designations, with the implication that
they have adopted Baluch identity relatively recently—but not that they are for that reason in any way outsiders. Some of these “Baluch” predate the arrival of the Balōč. Others (e.g., the Bārakzay, q.v., who are of recent Afghan origin) postdate them. There are also remnants of what were (under autonomous Baluch rule, as well as under the British, 1666-1947) larger non-Muslim communities, mostly Hindu, Sikh, Ismaʿili, or Bahai traders, who are not considered Baluch. The Baluchi language was the language of interethnic as well as intertribal relations. Although participation in Baluchi intercourse generally seems to have led to assimilation, being Muslim appears to have been a necessary precondition. However, the Baluch in the Makrān who became Ḏekrī (Zikri) in the 10/16th century did not for that reason cease to be Baluch. The Baluch generally claim that all Baluch are Hanafite Muslims, although, apart from the Ḏekrīs (who are known but rarely discussed), there are some small Shiʿite communities on the northwestern fringes of Iranian Baluchistan, a fact which is unknown farther east".  

The Baloch tribes rise up from their original home in Aleppo, all sons of Mir Hamza (generally taken to be the uncle of the prophet Muhammad) to fight against the second Ummayad Caliph Yazid I at Karbala in 680. After Hoseyn is slain, the angered Balochi tribes wander way eastward and encroach into the western provinces of Baluchistan and Sijistan. (Kreyenbroek, Philip G. (2010). Oral Literature of Iranian Languages: Kurdish, Pashto, Balochi, Ossetic, Persian and Tajik: Companion Volume II: History of Persian Literature A, Volume 18. I. B. Tauris. ISBN 978-0857732651)

The seditious Baluch can very well return to where ever they came from Halab (Aleppo) or Kaman in the Caspian region and create their "historic" "Baluch" nation by the shores of the Caspian Sea! During the seventh century, The Balus had not yet entered Makran but had entered by the eleventh century. Baluchistan was inhabited by Indian communities loosely categorised as Zutt i.e. Jat and the whole of Baluchistan was predominantly non Persian. The Baloch began migrating towards the east in the late Sasanian period. The cause of the migration is unknown but may have been as a result of the generally unstable conditions in the Caspian area. The migrations occurred over several centuries. By the 9th century, Arab writers refer to the Baloch as having entered into  Sistan, and Makran in what was western India.  The Balus migrated from Kaman to the east or southeast of the

central Caspian region in northern or Northwestern Persia some time around the tenth century when they appeared in Kirman. Then under pressure from the Seljuks,  these nomads they moved eastward and entered India across the Sarhad Range separating India from the eastern Frontier territory of Kerman into Baluchistan where they superimposed themselves upon the indigenous Indian Brahui population and also drove out the other Indian communities.

In the 10 the century the Balus were present in Kirman and they infested the Great desert of Persia from their mountain fastness at Qufs. Muqadasi describes them as people with savage faces, evil hearts and neither morals nor manners. They were notorious for their cruelty and indulged in stoning their prisoners to death “as one would a snake , putting a man’s head on a boulder, and beating upon it, till it be crushed in”! Baluchistan is an integral part of India historically and since time immemorial and after the partition of India, as the successor8 state, Baluchistan in its entirety including the Occupied western portion of the western province of Baluchistan is an integral and inalienable part of Pakistan and no power on earth or beyond can separate the western province of Baluchistan in Pakistan from the rest of Pakistan. As long as the Baluch do not aspire for “independence” vide a circumventious route like what illegally happened in the eastern part of the province of Bengal! There will be no further creation of a new sovereign country in the Sub-continent of India or South Asia, and If any province of any country wants to accede and become a part of another country inside the sub-continent of India, it is another thing! Even if a country in South Asia is going to breakup, India will not permit the provinces of the said country to become sovereign and independent at a time when India is spiralling towards the re-unification of India! Let that be made clear to one and all! Some vested interests aspired for the independence of the predominantly Muslim majority area in eastern Bengal in near eastern India and they knew that they could not make eastern Bengal independent on their own, so they made use of the Muslim majority areas in north western India viz, Panjab, Kashmir, Sindh, Baluchistan and Afghanistan to create a demand for an independent state for the Muslims in India and thus after they themselves sought and having successfully created a separate state for the Muslims in India, they were able to illegally get separated from that Muslim state which they themselves had sought and created in the first place and not the Indian Muslims residing in the aforesaid Muslim majority area in north western India who neither wanted nor aspired for, and become independent of that independent state for the Muslims in India, in a circumventious route by taking advantage of the fact that eastern Bengal was not contiguous to (what was legally) the rest of Pakistan!

Chah Bahar is not a part of Iran. Chah Bahar is in the western province of Baluchistan and Tiz or Chah Babar is historically the place from where the coast of India commences and is historically an inalienable part of India. As a matter of fact the Sarhad range which runs from north to south and separates the Sub-continent of India from the Plateau of Iran, commences in the vicinity of Tiz. After the partition of India the successor state is Pakistan and Baluchistan is an inalienable part of Pakistan and the English deliberately as part of their nefarious game plan fraudulently drew and demarcated spurious and bogus lines which they portrayed as the external frontiers of the sub-continent of India. These spurious lines are per se illegal and a future reunified India will not be bound by such deceitful and fraudulent demarcations whereby vast areas of India were handed over in a platter to countries adjacent to India!

According to the scholar and historian, Alberuni, author of an encyclopedic work on India called "Tarikh Al-Hind", the sea coast of India commences with Tiz or modern Chah Bahar. As a matter of fact the Sarhad range which runs from north to south and separates the Sub-continent of India from the Plateau of Iran, commences in the vicinity of Tiz. It is suggested that a coastal route existed linking Lothal and Dholavira to Sutkagan Dor on the Makran coast in Baluchistan in western India.  Anyone can furnish information pertaining to the theory that the Sindhu Valley Civilization (Harappan Culture ) got extinct due to the an accident involving the Kailasa peak in northern India? A profound aspect of the Sindhu valley civilization is the vastness of the area comprising a vast area of the north western part of the India extending from inter alia Sutkagan Dor in Baluchistan and Sokhta Koh, Shahr-i Sokhta, Mundigak and Shortugai in Afghanistan to Lothal in Gujarat and beyond.

According to Sergent writing regarding Shortugai, "not one of the standard characteristics of the Harappan cultural complex is missing from it"! Bernard Sergent. Genèse de l'Inde, quoted by Elst 1999.

 "Men like Ibn Haukal [d. 988 AD]. Istakhari [d.957 AD] and Idrisi [d.1161 AD] give graphic accounts of the fertility and greatness of the Makran region its vibrant cities and distances from each Caravan station to the next, and cities enroute towards Sindh river. The pen-picture is so vivid that it leaves little for imagination, along with maps and their general observations as they saw the route, and the traffic on the highway. The Later Great port for Arabs on the Makran coast, and old sea capital of Makran was Tiz [Chahbahr], about 100 miles west of present Gawadar port. Where lay a city, which held the Arabs spell bound by its Grandeur and Magnificence, the convenient sheltered harbour, Even till late 19th century, as narrated by Colonel. Sir Thomas Holdich, in his book Gates of India,1910,enormous heaps of debris were seen in the old ruins of Tiz, with broken pottery ,suggesting that old inhabitants of Tiz, had devoted a lot of time in production of Ceramics art works, and every fresh rain unsurfaced fragments of new curiosities in Glass ware and china, Here along the coast line cities, was seen a special class of pottery, of very fine texture and finished with a light sage-green glaze-said to have possessed the property of detecting poison by cracking if poisoned food or drink was served in them".


If those vagabond nomads from Kaman in the Caspian Sea region of the Persian Empire who migrated across Persia and crossed the far eastern Frontier territory of Kerman bordering India on the Sarhad Range border and entered India and invaded India in the 10th Century AD and supplanted the indigenous Indic Indian Indo-Aryan population of Baluchistan in the 10th century are intransigent and endeavour to accomplish a fait accompli and try to legitimise their ab initio illegal invasion and occupation of what was western India by seeking to create a bogus and spurious so-called sovereign state of Baluchistan in the Sub-Continent of India, they should be summarily deported bag and baggage back to Kaman and they can create a sovereign state in Kaman adjoining the Caspian Sea region in Persia from where they come and from where they belong, hail and originate!

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